Humane Society of Lake County

Lost & Found
What to do if you've found or lost an animal
Call the Humane Society of Lake County: 352-589-7400. We will take a lost pet report or a found pet report.
Call the Leesburg Humane Society: 352-669-3312
Call Lake County Animal Services: 352-343-9688 - even better, go out there to see what animals they have.
Call the Veterinary Emergency Clinic: 352-728-4440
Check with your local veterinarians to see if they have a client who found or lost a pet.
Put signs up in your neighborhood and surrounding areas (Include a photo).
Place an ad in your local paper.
Check any 'smells like food' places that would lure a hungry pet.
In the future, always make sure your pet is microchipped (with current registration) and wearing a collar and tags with current information
Please follow through! If your pet has been found, be courteous and call the contacts you made and tell them your pet has been found. This way, no precious time is lost that could be used to help other pets.
Additional Resources
Use social media such as facebook and post to the following groups: